Your Man – Signs He’s In Love With You

When you’re in a relationship with a man there’s always one question that is in the front of your mind. That question of course is whether he’s in love with you. Not all men are good at communication so sometimes its difficult for women to know exactly what their men are thinking. There are signs that you can recognize, even if he’s not expressing them very clearly.

The most obvious signs that he’s in love with you is the amount of time he spends with you. He’ll find any reason he can to see you. Even if it’s for only a few minutes and hes had a long hard day at work, he’ll still make the time. Or if he often texts, calls or emails you, that is another sure sign hes thinking about you.

Men by nature enjoy looking at beautiful women for its in their blood. But at this moment his attention will be focused mainly on you with the only occasional glance at another woman. He’ll find the opportunity to meet and see you more often when he’s in love with you.

If he always wants to hold your hand or kiss you thats a sure sign that he’s falling deeper in love with you. Some men are not as comfortable showing their affection in public however, you may notice him reaching for your hand more often. He’ll also want to pamper you if you give him the chance. He may start to ask if you’ve eaten dinner yet or if you need anything when he calls. This shows he is concerned for your well being.

Inviting you to dinner at his parents or siblings home is another sign hes falling in love with you. This is a very common and often waited for event in a relationship. If he starts talking about where he sees himself in a few years and if he suggests how great it would be to have children with you, this is sure sign from your man that he’s in love with you!