I know many women who swoon when hearing short love poems vocalized in Spanish or some of the other love languages. Whether its Italian, French or Spanish the love words in these languages seem to seduce womens hearts much more than if you heard the same romantic messages in English.
Im not really sure why, but my guess is because these languages are foreign and they dont really understand the words. The poems seem alluring and exotic. But my hunch is that once you understand one of those languages, youre familiar with it, then the love poems become a little less magical.
Either way, if you dont know a language and you hear any words of that language, the words can sound magical. Even if youre not talking about anything related to love. For example, take the following sentence in Spanish:
Tus manos son la fuerza que rasga mi cuerpo hasta sangrar en la tierra.
Translation: Your hands are the force that drags my body until it bleeds on the ground.
If I say this sentence in Spanish in a loving and passionate manner, it can make a womans heart swoon. Ive tested a few phrases with my wife before giving her the translation. With that in mind, I decided to write some funny short love poems in Spanish. The poems sound great to begin with, even in Spanish. Youll just have to see the translations.
These poems just go to show that not all short love poems in Spanish are what theyre cracked up to be. Anything can sound good until you really know what it means. I remember a friend of mine was trying to speak Spanish to someone. He was trying to say in the face of the people. So he said en la vaca de la gente, which means in the cow of the people. After that he was really embarrassed, so he wanted to say, Im sorry. Im really embarrassed. He proceeded to say, Lo siento, lo siento. Estoy embarazado, which means, Im sorry. Im sorry. Im pregnant.
With that in mind, heres my rendition of a funny short love poem in Spanish.
Tus ojos son los luceros
Que alumbran mis basureros
Tus manos tienen el toque
Que me dejan matado en el bosque
Tu corazon se rebosa con agua
Que alimenta los cucarachas
Tu alma brilla los rayos
Que queman el piel de mis caballos
Your eyes are the lights
That illuminate my garbage cans
Your hands have the touch
That leave me dead in the forest
Your heart brims over with water
That nourishes the cockroaches
Your soul shines forth rays
That burn the skin of my horses