In my opinion, Filipinas make great best friends, lovers and friends. Compared with women in other Asian countries, Filipina hearts are not as strict, serious, prudish or suspended. Instead, they are more relaxed, carefree, happy-go-lucky, playful, passionate and sensual. They are also very not judgmental and nonracist. And Filipina ladies have a great sense of humor which love the stupidest thing and are easily amused all at the same time. Thus, you can still have fun and joke around or play with them, even if you have nothing else to say. It is so nice and refreshing, especially when youre so used to antisocial and hostility of women in the US or other foreign countries.
Filipina hearts also possess a mix of external and internal features. Ethnically, they are a blend of Asian, Malay and Spanish, resulting in a very exotic and beautiful blend that is very pleasing to the eyes and sensual to look at. Filipinas exotic olive skin and sexy sensual light varies from dark tones that are sexy to most foreigners. The very feminine look combined with a good deal of romantic, affectionate and caring attitude a fantastic mix to say the least.
Given below are some characteristics of Filipino women seeking their ideal type-of-guy:
1. Most Filipina hearts like men who are economically stable.
Filipino women want someone who is reliable and has an excellent career since most of these Filipino women came from poorer and less educated families.
2. Show some gentlemanly acts and be romantic to Filipinas.
Doing small things like assisting her, do small household chores, complimenting her beauty and pulling surprises and the likes are surefire ways to win the heart of a young Filipino girl. Just treat your Filipina hearts like a princess and her heart will be yours forever.
3. Character and attitude is one of the top list for Filipinas.
Always go after the character. Do not be afraid if you are not that physically beautiful or sexy. Most Filipina women prefer guys who are simple, faithful to the relationship and are ready to serve the Filipina hearts.
4. Filipinas preferred men who are daring and always on the go.
It is proven that men who are not the shy type and always outgoing are really loved by the Filipino girls. The reason is because local men tend to be more reserved. Thus, Filipina heats find men who are open minded most refreshing and attractive.
5. Skin color is a crucial aspect for Filipinas.
It is often said that lighter skin color attracts most Filipina hearts most. Filipino women tend to love guys who look Caucasian or foreign to them. Caucasian men with physical properties in the Philippines are strongly desired by the Filipino ladies.