Funny Short Love Poems In Spanish

I know many women who swoon when hearing short love poems vocalized in Spanish or some of the other love languages. Whether its Italian, French or Spanish the love words in these languages seem to seduce womens hearts much more than if you heard the same romantic messages in English.

Im not really sure why, but my guess is because these languages are foreign and they dont really understand the words. The poems seem alluring and exotic. But my hunch is that once you understand one of those languages, youre familiar with it, then the love poems become a little less magical.

Either way, if you dont know a language and you hear any words of that language, the words can sound magical. Even if youre not talking about anything related to love. For example, take the following sentence in Spanish:

Tus manos son la fuerza que rasga mi cuerpo hasta sangrar en la tierra.
Translation: Your hands are the force that drags my body until it bleeds on the ground.

If I say this sentence in Spanish in a loving and passionate manner, it can make a womans heart swoon. Ive tested a few phrases with my wife before giving her the translation. With that in mind, I decided to write some funny short love poems in Spanish. The poems sound great to begin with, even in Spanish. Youll just have to see the translations.

These poems just go to show that not all short love poems in Spanish are what theyre cracked up to be. Anything can sound good until you really know what it means. I remember a friend of mine was trying to speak Spanish to someone. He was trying to say in the face of the people. So he said en la vaca de la gente, which means in the cow of the people. After that he was really embarrassed, so he wanted to say, Im sorry. Im really embarrassed. He proceeded to say, Lo siento, lo siento. Estoy embarazado, which means, Im sorry. Im sorry. Im pregnant.

With that in mind, heres my rendition of a funny short love poem in Spanish.

Tus ojos son los luceros
Que alumbran mis basureros
Tus manos tienen el toque
Que me dejan matado en el bosque

Tu corazon se rebosa con agua
Que alimenta los cucarachas
Tu alma brilla los rayos
Que queman el piel de mis caballos


Your eyes are the lights
That illuminate my garbage cans
Your hands have the touch
That leave me dead in the forest

Your heart brims over with water
That nourishes the cockroaches
Your soul shines forth rays
That burn the skin of my horses

Writing Heart-warming Love Letters

In this age of modernized communications like emails and text messaging, the trend of handwritten letter has become outdated. Viewing a hand-written letter is very rare but even today it is one of the most personal and expressive way of conveying your sentiments to someone. It adds a personal touch to a simple form of communication and serves to deepen the intensity of any love relationship.

To write a love letter you dont need to search for a reason. You can just pick up your pen and paper to pen down your emotions, ask your loved one for a coffee or dinner, express gratefulness for all the love and concern, or give a treasure to your beloved. Be it any reason or cause, love letters have their own significance and aesthetics that gives a special joy to your inner soul.

The expressive language, a friendly approach, intimate feelings, romantic words, and poetic display of feelings are the best elements of a love letter. If all these elements are there in the letter even the simplest structure can stir the heart of the reader.

Here are some excellent tips to writing an effective and heart-warming love letter:

In the letter give a mention of your lovers strength and all good things.
State clearly and expressively the reason why you love that person.
Highlight all the special characteristics that make you fall in love with that person.
Its even more heart-warming to mention the moment you felt love and what unique attribute powered that specified feeling of love.
You can freely express the most special moment of your life that changed everything within you.
Mention each and every positive change in your life that has occurred after falling in love.
Explain your loved one how special you feel when he or she is around and that you miss the presence each moment of your life.
Also explain how your beloved makes you feel complete and veils all your negativities.
In between the paragraphs and sentences you can mention words and feelings that recall few special moments shared with each other.
Avoid being casual and convey the deepest regard and love you have for the other person.
You can also use poetic words and lines of some famous love poets to make your letter more lively and expressive.
Be confident and sincere when you express your sentiments, dreams, desires, and even weaknesses.
Dont play with false words and wrong feelings when you are truly expressing your love for someone. Just be real.

Tips To Improve Your Love Life With Hindi Sms

Sending love sms in Hindi is first choice of lovers when it comes to expressing love.Sending love sms in Hindi is not a big problem,as you can use maximum number of time composing it.Saying I love you using it,makes you energized.But before you send romantic sms to your girlfriend, there are few things you should consider in order to make your text message more effective and impressive.

Consider the time factor Try not to disturb in her busy hours.It can make her angry and bring some tense situations in your relationship.Therefore, proper timing is very essential factor when sending Hindi sms to her.Maintaining a successful relationship is really tough. Have a look at her personality

Every girl in the planet earth has different personality. There will be girls who are too shy and also who are so confident.Few girl are found so hasty while few are much sensitive.So, before you press send button on your cell phone, make sure that the sms you have typed suits her personality.

Content Make your love sms interesting enough that she won’t get bored reading.It should be romantic enough to express your feeling of love and affection.It should be spontaneous and funny.To give more emotion to it you can write few lines of poetry’s in it as well.

Keep record of your text segment as well.It should not be too long or too short.Adding just three to four sentences to your love text makes it perfect for reading.


You might wish to live your dream life by making her smile always.If so, then you need to bring some cuteness in your romantic sms.Inserting some smiley, animation or symbols in your text sms will make it even more cute and lively.Also, you can insert some ascii text to elaborate your message arguments in a cute manner.If you really want a successful relationship then do not forget to send a sweet love sms to her daily.

Your Man – Signs He’s In Love With You

When you’re in a relationship with a man there’s always one question that is in the front of your mind. That question of course is whether he’s in love with you. Not all men are good at communication so sometimes its difficult for women to know exactly what their men are thinking. There are signs that you can recognize, even if he’s not expressing them very clearly.

The most obvious signs that he’s in love with you is the amount of time he spends with you. He’ll find any reason he can to see you. Even if it’s for only a few minutes and hes had a long hard day at work, he’ll still make the time. Or if he often texts, calls or emails you, that is another sure sign hes thinking about you.

Men by nature enjoy looking at beautiful women for its in their blood. But at this moment his attention will be focused mainly on you with the only occasional glance at another woman. He’ll find the opportunity to meet and see you more often when he’s in love with you.

If he always wants to hold your hand or kiss you thats a sure sign that he’s falling deeper in love with you. Some men are not as comfortable showing their affection in public however, you may notice him reaching for your hand more often. He’ll also want to pamper you if you give him the chance. He may start to ask if you’ve eaten dinner yet or if you need anything when he calls. This shows he is concerned for your well being.

Inviting you to dinner at his parents or siblings home is another sign hes falling in love with you. This is a very common and often waited for event in a relationship. If he starts talking about where he sees himself in a few years and if he suggests how great it would be to have children with you, this is sure sign from your man that he’s in love with you!

Sad Love Stories That Made People Cry

Watching sad love stories is what most women like to do. This is something that boys do not understand because of the fact that most of them just love to see something funny and could brighten up their day. But sometimes, there are guys that also try to watch novels converted into movies that are made up of a plot that would get their hearts crushing in tears even if they are not literally crying. The ability of movie makers and story writers to control the minds of people with their stories is always most likely to happen because most of these stories reflect real life.

Of all the sad romantic story movies that I watched, theres only two that left a really strong mark in my head and heart. Its not only me who said this based on peoples reviews about lonely stories these two always gets the first two ranks. Titanic is known to be a sad plot based on a real situation that happened a couple of years ago when the ship was hit to an iceberg and caused it to shrink. This is where the sad happening took place when two lovers in that big boat had to depart just to make the other one survive. It was so self-sacrificial that the guy never cared about losing his life just as long as the woman would. The next one would be A Walk to Remember. It was a sad story of a pastors daughter who died of Lukemia which led to leaving the guy sad in his life. It was very heart touching that it brought so many viewers to tears.

If youve watched any of these two sad love stories, you will surely be able to relate to how sad they were and may possibly even agree with me. These sad romantic story ranks that Ive made did not just come from my opinion alone but also from a lot more numerous people who have watched it.